
A Good Story

Here's the headline ...

Australian field hockey player opts to amputate part of his finger in order to compete in Paris Olympics

You can read the details here.

I bring this up to say that almost everybody has a similarly interesting "good story" ... at least for your audience. For example, here are some voiceover-related things you probably didn't know about me that I include in my "interview cheat sheet" to make it easier to bring in stories that hook people.

Feel free to swipe my "interview cheat sheet" format, by the way. Having something like this will help you get your message out in the way you want it.

In this issue of Big Podcast Insider, a look at how six-figure podcasters are making money, three things for you to know about YouTube, and a cool AI tool to help you get more interaction via social media.

Want more? Get the audio version of this podcast for additional commentary and stories.

David @ Big Podcast

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The Wrap Up