
Building a Successful Podcast

I've got a couple of podcasting "freebies" in this issue, so don't miss them.

And when you're using them, consider these comments about the success of a podcast called 20VC ...

The 10 year overnight success of 20VC.

300 shows before we got 1,000 plays per show.

3 years before we made a single $ from 20VC.

10 years, 7 days a week, every single weekend.

It takes time to build a successful podcast. That's because it takes time to become a great host.

This doesn't mean you have to wait forever for anything to happen, by the way. You can still have a successful podcast and be a competent host without having "everything" together.

Something to help you ...

I'm putting together a 30-day training to help podcasters become better "solo" hosts. It's going to be a lot of fun, because dozens of podcasters will be doing it together. Not only will you get better as a host, you'll also meet some great people and learn from them.

I'll mention it here, so keep an eye out for it. Until then, some things to help you make a better podcast now ...

David @ Big Podcast

Podcaster Opportunities

Podcast Marketing

Podcast Production

Podcasting Deals

Podcast Humor


The Wrap Up