
Message from Mr. Cruz ...

I got a text message from Ted Cruz this week, which was weird, because I don't live in Cancun.

I kid, I kid. But I don't live in Texas either, so it was still weird.

I'm also getting messages from candidates running for something in New Hampshire.

Obviously, this is an inefficient way to get votes, since none of these guys is on the ballot where I am. Maybe it's OK for getting donations, but it still seems like I'm on the "wrong list" for whatever they're asking for.

I bring this up to say a couple of things that relate to your podcast ...

1. ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT!! This is the one thing these guys did right.

People aren't going to search your out and subscribe to your podcast on their own. You have to let them know you exist and let them know what you need. A listen? A review?

Also ...

2. Not everybody is a good match for what you do, so don't mindlessly ask "everybody" just because it's easy to send out a ton of emails (or text messages).

You have limited resources, so focus on the people who are most likely to want to listen to your podcast. Do you know who that is? If you want my help to figure that out, check out Big Podcast AMP.

Related ... Need a "subscribe" page for your podcast? Feel free to steal this one.

David @ Big Podcast

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