
15 People > 30,000 People

Are you sick of hearing about Clubhouse yet? (Don't know what it is? Look at this.)

I just did the first session of The Big Podcast Club last night. We had maybe 15 people come through.

Every time I go on the radio, 30,000 people hear my voice. And that's just on the local affiliate.

Talking to 15 people via a social media is very inefficient compared to talking to 30,000 via radio. As the venture capitalists would say, "It doesn't scale."

But the venture capitalists are wrong. Sometimes doing something that "doesn't scale" is the very best thing you can do for your business and for those you connect with.

In a couple of months, I predict that Clubhouse will either be the next big social media network or it will go down in flames as one of the most hyped apps of all time. Regardless, right now, I'm going to be doing a series of small group calls to connect with podcasters like you and help you grow your podcast.

If you'd like to talk to me and other successful podcasters personally, follow me on Clubhouse (@davidhooper) and check out The Big Podcast Club for more details.

The best things don't scale. Personal emails, writing a good book, and getting to know your listeners takes time. That's what this newsletter is about, although I do have a couple of recommended tools to help you make things a bit easier when sending and receiving lots of emails.

David @ Big Podcast

Podcast Marketing

Podcasting Tools