The First Non-Music "Gold Record"
In the US, a "Gold Record" is an award that signifies 500,000 units sold.
The Strangest Secret is a 1956 spoken word record by Earl Nightingale. It's sold over one million copies and received the first Gold Record for a spoken word album. Its popularity helped launch the business of spoken word audio content, which is what podcasting is based on.
Earl Nightingale said, "Everything begins with an idea." In Nashville, we have a version of that, "It all begins with a song."
Before you can record anything, whether you're speaking or singing, it's in your mind. And if you want to market what you record and have people listen to it, you have to approach that with the right mindset.
This issue is about how to create content listeners want to hear and how to cultivate the proper foundation to successfully deliver it to them.
Podcasting Q&A
Q&A: My Podcast Guest Wants Me To Remove His Episode
I try my best to build rapport with guests and make them feel comfortable when doing an interview with me. This helps a lot when it comes to getting good episodes, but the downside is guests can be so relaxed they forget they're being recorded and many have said something they've later regretted.
It's not uncommon for me to get a call, text, or email from a guest asking for something that was said during our time together to be edited out.
And sometimes people want an episode removed entirely.
Should you? This article has more thoughts...
Podcast Hosting Skills
10 Podcasting Lessons in 330 Words
This is short and sweet – it will take less than a minute to read and help you make a better podcast as well as have more fun doing it.
The Real Reason Why You Sabotage Your Goals
For years, I had an office in an old convent. In other words, nuns used to live there. The street it's on is actually called Convent Place.
I would work late, sometimes until 2-3am, and I remember leaving one night, coming out the main entrance and down several steps, where I ran into the landlord, an older guy that was easily in his 70s at the time.
He was sweeping the sidewalk.
"Another late-night worker," I said jokingly.
He replied, "When you're the boss, you lots of opportunities to do things you wouldn't get to do otherwise."
That was 20 years ago and I've thought about that interaction many times since.
This article explains why looking at tasks with this attitude is helpful for achieving goals and gives more advice on how you can make things happen for yourself.
The Business of Podcasting
Hustle Traps: 10 Guaranteed Paths to Burnout for the Self-Employed Creator
This is a must-read if you want longevity in podcasting. If nothing else, at least read the list.
When I was a teenager, I'd hear stories of rock stars quitting massively successful bands. And I'd think, "What are they doing? These guys have everything going for them!"
I was wrong. The inside is always different than the outside. And if you don't have your "inside" right, you're going to burn out quickly.
Review this list and make sure your foundation is strong.
How to Lead (According to Amazon)
Amazon is building a new HQ right down the street from me.
Is it a cult? Maybe. Some people who read their "leadership principles" will certainly think so. But there is some good stuff here that you may want to consider for yourself and your podcasting business.