
If you want to be a better podcaster...

Every day, I do what I call the Sausage Factory Formula. It takes just a few minutes and it makes me both a better podcast host and guest.

This image explains it.

Want more details? Read this article.

Do it for 30 days and I guarantee you will be a better podcast host. You can do it secretly without telling anybody. Nobody has to know.

But they'll notice the good results you get – you won't be able to hide how much better you are as a podcast host.

WANT TO BE IN MY UPCOMING BOOK ON PODCASTING? Try it for 30 days and let me know your story. I'm looking for people to feature.

I hope you're staying healthy and finishing out a great week!

David @ Big Podcast

Podcast Hosting Skills

Podcasting Tools

Podcasting Deals

The Wrap Up

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David @ Big Podcast