Black Friday Advice (for Podcasters)
Today is Black Friday in the US, a day when "everything" goes on sale and it's very easy for podcasters to overspend on equipment that isn't needed.
Resist the urge to do this.
The "best mic" is the one you have available to use right now. Don't be like these people.
With that said, if you're in need of a new mic, or audio software, or something else to help you create and promote a great podcast, today is a good time to find deals.
Below, you will find five things that I feel will be helpful to you. One of them is free, so make sure you grab it. It will allow you to create social media videos like the one linked above.
I also encourage you to check out the music deal – you probably haven't heard of this site, but it's great. I used it during last week's Radio Race with good results and it's nice to have an "all-you-can-eat option" where you can jump on and get anything you need, without paying any addition fees.
I hope you're finishing up a great year and, if you're in the US, able to take off Thanksgiving weekend and spend it with the people you love.
I'll see you next week and we'll get back to 100% podcast marketing information! I want to get you set up to start 2022 with a bang!
Podcast Marketing
Lumen5 Video Generator - FREE!
Videos are a great way to drive people to your podcast. But creating videos for each episode can take a lot of time...
This AI-driven generator automatically selects relevant content from your episode notes to create customized social media videos you can use to promote your podcast.
Are AI-generated videos perfect? Not always. But you can easily tweak them to create something that's exactly what you want.
Plus, the price is right – free!
So take a look and let me know what you come up with.
Podcast Production
Royalty-Free Music for Your Podcast From
Finding the right music for your podcast can be difficult. And finding music you can legally use can be expensive.
Audiio takes care of both these issues. And right now, you can get a full year of unlimited music to use in your podcast for only $59.
I just used a track from Audiio for this radio segment, if you want to hear what the quality sounds like.
ReMasterMedia Will Make Your Podcast Sound Better
This tool is very similar to Auphonic – you upload your raw audio, it does its magic, and your podcast sounds better than it did.
Doing video? ReMasterMedia can handle that also.
It's easy to use and you don't have to have any technical knowledge. You simply upload your episode file, it gives you a few different remastered files to choose from, and you pick the one you think sounds best.
If you want your podcast to sound professional, you need do to leveling and mastering on your audio. ReMasterMedia makes this very easy.
Samson Q9U Dynamic Broadcast Microphone
You've probably heard of the Samson Q2U, which is a great mic (and also on sale today). But if you want to reallys step things up with a top-quality broadcast mic, the Samson Q9U is the way to go.
Like the Q2U, the Q9U can plug directly into your computer via USB or, if you have a mixer or interface, connect via XLR. It's a very flexible mic that can hold its own and will grow with you.
Apple Deals for Podcasters
I do my podcast production on this computer. It's cheap, fast, and reliable.
I was skeptical about the M1 chip being able to do what I need on just 16GB of RAM (the max), but it's unbelievably fast and powerful – even better than the Mac I used previously, which had more than twice that.
It works great with Audacity, Izotope RX, and other software I use for podcasting. And it's going to get even better as developers start to create software specifically for the M1 chip.
If you're looking at upgrading your system, you can get a good deal right now.
The Wrap Up
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